Rebecca Canter

Rebecca Canter

Position: Learning Support (Early Years)

Rebecca was born and raised in Liverpool where she began a career in medical laboratory sciences. In her early twenties she moved to London to continue this path, alongside work in hospitality. She then toured as a DJ around Europe for several years. Before settling down and having a family, Rebecca helped as an assistant buyer for a popular fashion brand.

Rebecca began her career in early years education after having children. She worked as a volunteer in a specialist pre-school for children with communication disorders. In 2000, having noticed an omission of social services for children with special needs, she fundraised and successfully launched an after-school club that still exists today.

Following the fulfilment of this project, Rebecca went on to assist children in mainstream schools and nurseries. To further develop her understanding, she gained a degree in early years education at Kington University.

During her time as an early years practitioner, she studied to become an emotional literary support assistant. This developed the necessary skills to assist children with their emotional understanding and help improve general wellbeing.

Cycling and cooking are two of her favourite hobbies, and she loves to explore new countries with her family.