A Levels 2022: Hampton Court House reaches the Top 50 London schools

Posted: 22nd August 2022

A Level Headlines

Hampton Court House is delighted to announce that we made the Top 50 London schools following our extraordinary A Level 2022 results published last week.

With over 70% of grades being awarded A*/A  and 57% of the cohort achieving 3 or more A and A* grades, the success of our Year 13 leavers is a testament to their perseverance, talent and tenacity, and the passion and dedication of their expert teachers.

Headmaster, Dr Adrian Rainbow commented: “A massive congratulations to all of our Year 13 students. I am so proud of them for everything they have achieved, the way they overcame all of the challenges they faced, and their remarkable resilience. This bodes well as I know they will continue to thrive as they head off to university and the next stage of their journey. I would also like to thank our amazing staff who invested so much time, energy and care in preparing the students for their exams.”

Key A Level 2022 figures:

  • 23% A* grades (Improvement from 9.5% in 2019)
  • Over 70% A* – A grades (Above the nationwide average of 58% for independent schools)
  • 89% A* – B grades (Improvement from 79% in 2021 and 83% in 2019)
  • 98% A* – C grades (Improvement from 97% in 2021 and 97% in 2019)
  • 57% of entire year group achieved 3 or more A and A* grades

The league table is available to view here.

A huge congratulations to all, and our very best wishes go to our Old Courtiers embarking on the next extraordinary chapters of their academic and professional careers.


“I am absolutely delighted for our 6th Form students today. These results are a superb achievement and I could not be more proud of both our students and 6th Form teaching team. From these fantastic results HCH students will go on to study at some of the UK’s most prestigious universities and I am confident they will take with them the love of learning they have so admirably demonstrated through these results.” Katherine Vintiner, Principal

“We’re so proud and delighted for all our students in achieving this outstanding set of A Level results. These superb grades are a testament to our young people’s determination, hard work and intellectual curiosity – all the more impressive given the challenges of COVID. Our students represent the very best of HCH’s unique ethos, and we wish our Year 13 leavers all the very best as they move on to a fantastic future at university and beyond.” Rob Armiger, Head of Sixth Form

Congratulations to our Y13 students for achieving such impressive results in their A levels. They demonstrated tremendous individual and collective maturity when dealing with the challenges posed by COVID-19 and we are all so proud of them for what they have accomplished. For me personally, it has been a joy and privilege to have been their form tutor and I wish them all the best in the next chapter of their lives. I look forward to hearing how they are getting on and very much hope to see them visiting us at HCH in the future. Thomas Roberts, Year 13 form tutor

Remote teaching, Zoom calls, covid, lockdown, CAG’s… all part of the vocabulary from the last few years of their educational journey that didn’t exist when they started their secondary education seven years ago. They should be so proud of all they have achieved. They have shown determination and resilience in the challenges they faced; I wish them the very best as they embark on the next part of their learning journey and look forward to hearing about their exploits. Paul Pearce, Deputy Head Academic

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