group of young children and a teacher outdoors

Inspection reports

We are delighted that ISI has recognised the hard work of all the pupils and staff at Hampton Court House in their September 2022 compliance inspection. Hampton Court House met all the required standards and the outcome was a resounding success. The full report is available for download below.

May 2018 Ofsted inspection

As with our 2013 inspection, the real stars are your children, with their personal development, behaviour and welfare classed as outstanding. In the words of the inspectors, ‘pupils’’ behaviour is exemplary. They have excellent attitudes to learning, work well together and are highly motivated to succeed.’ The report refers to our ‘vibrant learning community’ and the ‘genuine care for the happiness and well-being of each individual pupil and member of staff’.

Highlights of the May 2018 Ofsted inspection include:

‘The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report
‘In classrooms and around the school site, pupils are extremely polite, friendly and well mannered, showing respect for each other and their teachers and working well together. Their conscientiousness and studious attitudes to learning enable them to achieve well.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report
‘Leaders provide well for pupils’ personal well-being and for a wide range of future careers, enabling them to become confident and articulate learners.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report
‘Pupils of all ages make a very strong contribution to school life and the wider community… Sixth-form students regularly support and work with younger pupils… This creates a strong sense of family throughout the school and illustrates the pupils’ genuine concern for others.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report
‘The school very positively promotes a welcoming ethos in which pupils feel at ease with both one another and with staff. Pupils are very secure in their knowledge that there is always an adult to help them should the need arise. The school’s open and supportive culture ensures that pupils feel confident and comfortable about raising sensitive issues.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report

‘Outstanding’ Early years provision:

‘The provision for children in the early years is outstanding and successfully promotes their welfare, along with their progress in learning.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report
‘Most children enter the early years with skills and knowledge that are typical for their age. All of them achieve exceptionally well, with the majority exceeding expectations for their age by the end of the Reception Year.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report
‘An excellent range of resources, both indoors and out, stimulates children’s curiosity and their desire to experiment and explore ideas. Staff make use of the school’s extensive grounds to extend children’s ideas, knowledge and skills.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report
‘Staff have an excellent understanding of children’s learning, and regularly communicate with parents, sharing information to ensure that children make the best possible progress.’
Hampton Court House 2018 Ofsted Report

‘Outstanding’ personal development, behaviour and welfare: